Why Online Giving?
Online giving is an alternative to writing checks or using cash. It is not a fundraiser, an attempt to solicit giving from guests, or to eliminate using church envelopes for those who desire to continue that method of giving. It is an option for those who routinely use e-commerce in their everyday lives.
What Methods Can I Use for Online Giving?
Two options are available at no cost to you:
- by eCheck (also referred to as direct debit or ACH) where your offering is electronically transferred from your bank accounts to your church's bank account, or
- by using any of the major credit cards or debit cards
How Do I Get Started?
- Click here or the Online Giving link below which takes you to Vanco, a secure, offsite web hosting site.
- At the Vanco web site, click on the Create Profile button.
- Follow the instructions to create a profile and to schedule your recurring offerings.
Once created, you'll be able to manage your own profile, change offering amount or recurring schedule, and view and print your online giving history.